When you choose protein, you should consider your fitness goals first, whether it is to gain muscle mass or to reduce fat and at the same time to maintain muscle mass. You need to know the composition of the whey protein product you are choosing In order to choose the right type according to your fitness goals. The content of the product, and process decide the quality of protein and its price.
What is whey protein?
Whey is the liquid residue of cheese, casein and yoghurt production and is one of the biggest reservoirs of food protein available today in the market.
This liquid residue contains the fast-digesting proteins usually known as whey protein.
The two most common types of they protein in the market are Whey Protein Isolate and Whey Protein Concentrate. Let us know the composition of both and which one should you select according to you your fitness goal.
Whey Protein Concentrate
Whey protein concentrate is the most common type and least processed form of protein and it contains about 80% of protein. Rest it is composed of lactose, fats, minerals, carbs and water. It is considered not suitable for those who have digestion problems or are lactose intolerant. Whey Protein Concentrate is usually cheaper than whey protein isolate.
Whey protein isolate
Whey Protein Isolate is said to contain about 90% of protein by weight, which is roughly 80% in case of Concentrate. Whey protein isolate has been filtered further than whey concentrates and thus it has less of the fats and lactose(carbs). It is considered ideal for lean muscle gain due to its low-fat content. Whey protein isolate are easily digested in comparison to whey protein concentrate.